Technical Work
Several technical and environmental assessments have been and continue to be undertaken. The results from some of these assessments are summarised below.
There will be no vehicular access from Frog Lane but a pedestrian/cycle link is proposed. The only vehicular access into the development will be from Balsall Street East. This access will require the demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a priority T- junction with Balsall Street East which would be capable of meeting the Council’s required technical standards.
The future residents would be able to walk of cycle to local facilities within Balsall Common, including the near-by schools and the shops and railway station within the centre of the village. There are bus services operating along Balsall Street East (Nos. 87A, 88 and 88A) serving Solihull and Coventry and the bus stops are within walking distance of the site.
A Transport Assessment is being finalised and the initial analysis demonstrates that traffic generated by the proposed development could be accommodated on the highway network without significant detriment to exiting users, including on safety grounds.
The site is not located within a flood zone and the proposal includes a sustainable drainage system which will ensure that surface water is not discharge to local watercourses at a greater level and the current greenfield run-off rate. The sustainable drainage features, including the detention ponds and swales, provide the opportunity to improve biodiversity.
No issues have been raised by Severn Trent Water concerning the discharging of foul water from the proposed new homes.
The site has been used as agricultural or grazing land rather than uses which might have caused pollution to the ground. Within the area, no previous or current sources of pollution near-by, including any Air Quality Management Areas, which would preclude residential development of the site for housing. The site is not included in any Minerals Safeguarded Area.
The Site is not beneath the flightpath to Birmingham Airport and outside the 54dB Laeq 16-hour noise contour. However, a noise assessment has been undertaken which confirms that the construction of new homes on this site is not precluded by aircraft noise.
A landscape and visual appraisal has been undertaken to assess the ability of the site to accommodate housing development. The conclusions are:
- To the north – views are generally limited by the existing residential edge of Balsall Common. The size and scale of the existing properties along with the mature boundary vegetation results in these properties having a varying scale of views of the site. The flat topography to the north coupled with intervening residential built form heavily restricts further views.
- To the east – the recreation ground with its dense vegetated boundaries limits views to the east. Views are available from this retained open space.
- To the south – views are only possible from field gateways along the southern boundary with further views heavily limited by intervening vegetation and neighbouring residential dwellings adjacent to Frog Lane. To the west – views are limited by the mature boundary vegetation and further buildings.
A number of detailed surveys have been undertaken to assess the flora and fauna of the site including the trees. The survey has identified the need to retain the mature trees and hedgerows, including the 2 veteran oak trees within the western field, to maintain their biodiversity value, including as habitats for protected species. The creation of an ecological area with no access to the public would provide a haven for promoting biodiversity. Indeed, the site is capable of delivering the 10% Biodiversity Net Gain sought by the Council.
There are no designated or non-designate heritage assets within the site.
A heritage desk-based assessment has been undertaken and concludes that the site has low potential for archaeological remains from all periods. There are no archaeological assets recorded within the site and there is limited archaeological evidence within the surrounding area.
The proposed development would not impact upon the settings and significance of any Scheduled Monuments, Conservation Areas, Registered Parks and Gardens or Registered Battlefields. No such designations are within or adjacent to the site.
There are 12 Grade II Listed Buildings located within the wider surrounding area with the closest being Frogmore Grange and associated stables which are located to the west of Frog Lane. At locations within the site the views to and from these Listed Buildings are either blocked by mature vegetation or modern housing development. There would be no significant adverse impact upon the setting of these Listed Buildings or their significance as heritage assets as a result of the proposals.