Frog Lane, Balsall Common

Public Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many houses are proposed?

A: The current maximum is 110 new homes which is what is proposed in the emerging Solihull Local Plan.  However, we are still undertaking technical and environmental assessments and the outcome of the community engagement will also inform the final proposals.

Will the local road network have capacity for the increase in traffic created by the additional homes?

We are currently in the process of finalising the transport assessment. Whilst our initial work shows the size of the proposed development will limit the impact across Balsall Common as traffic disperses, we will subsequently agree with the highway authority where we need to test the impacts and, if required, propose (or contribute towards) mitigation schemes to address residual capacity issues.

Q: If you get planning permission, when would construction work be expected to begin? When would it finish?

A: If outline planning permission is granted by Solihull MBC in a timely manner, a reserved matters application would then be submitted in mid-2024. Following approval of reserved matters, the build-out of the scheme will last approximately 2½ years.

Q: How will the owners and occupiers of adjacent homes be protected from disturbance during the construction period?

A Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) would accompany any planning application which would include working hours, noise levels of nay equipment, pollution control, dust suppression, location of parking for contractors, timing of deliveries to avoid conflict with school traffic and the routing of construction Kenilworth Road.  There would be details of a contact for the contractors if there are any complaints or concerns.

Q: When will you submit a planning application?

It is our intention to submit an outline planning application in late July/early August 2023.

Q: How can I view the planning application?

Once submitted, the planning application will be available to view via the planning portal on Solihull MBC’s Council’s website or in person at the Council offices.