The Site and Surroundings
The site is located on the southern edge of Balsall Common and extends to about 5.33 hectares (13.18 acres) of predominantly pastoral and rough grassland currently located within the Green Belt which is principally used for grazing. The site is split into 2 parcels by a belt of trees. For the avoidance of doubt, the residential curtilages of Meadow View Cottage and The White Cottage are not included within the site.
The site is located to the south of Balsall Common and is well contained by Balsall Street East, Frog Lane and the Holly Lane Playing Fields. To the north the site is defined by the rear gardens of 20th century housing fronting Balsall Street East. The eastern boundary consists of a mature hedgerow and trees beyond which lies Holly Lane Playing Fields and Holly Land Allotments and allotments. There are no proposals to develop these Local Green Spaces designated in the Balsall Common Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The site’s southern boundary adjacent to Frog Lane is principally a tall unmanaged native hedgerow with mature hedgerow trees. To the south of Frog Lane are large agricultural fields bounded by mature hedgerow and tress. The White Cottage’s curtilage and a native hedgerow with trees define the site’s western boundary. To the west of Frog Lane is a group of buildings including Frogmore Grange and Balsall Street Farm.
Topographically, the site is relatively flat with a slight rise from the western boundary to the north east corner.
The site is within walking distance of the centre of Balsall Common where there is a range of shops and other services the site., as well as Balsall Common Primary School, the Heart of England and St. Peters Church with its Hall.
The closest bus stop on Balsall Street East about 350 metres away from the centre of the site with services to Coventry and Solihull (Nos. 87A, 88 and 88A).