The Proposal
Richborough are preparing an outline planning application within the context of the emerging Solihull Local Plan which identifies the site as a housing allocation for up-to 110 new homes. The final number of dwellings has yet to be determined because the technical, environmental and masterplanning work has yet to be completed and the feedback from the local community obtained.
Based on the already significant amount of technical research of the site and its context, a Concept Plan has been prepared which shows how new houses could be brought forward, although at this stage in the planning process, the proposals are indicative only. The plan below shows our current proposals, which have already been influenced by discussions with Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council who also produced a Concept Plan for the purposes of the Local Plan.
The Concept Plan now being presented for comment include the following key elements:
- Reflecting the Local Plan, up to 110 new homes could be provided, inclusive of a range of housing types, designs and sizes, and a policy-compliant (40%) affordable housing provision and the potential for self-build/custom homes.
- New vehicular and pedestrian access from Balsall Street East comprising a give-way priority T-junction with appropriate shared footway/cycleway provision providing safe and suitable access for all highway users;
- Improved pedestrian accessibility and connectivity to the playing fields east of the site.
- Retention of rural character of Frog Lane, including the retaining of the trees.
- Other than the access the protection of the western field as open space with the 2 veteran oak trees being retained.
- Ecological and biodiversity enhancements such as the ecological area swales and an attenuation pond with marginal planting and features suitable for wildlife.
- Recognition that there needs to be a sensitive interface along the northern boundary between the existing and proposed homes.
- A sustainable surface water drainage system, inclusive of swale, rain-gardens and an attenuation basin.
- Overlooked, well-designed streets which feature new trees and sustainable drainage features such as raingardens and swales.
- A package of measures to show how new development will be resilient to the impacts of climate change and deliver modern energy efficient homes.
- New areas of publicly accessible open space and retention of the majority of existing trees and hedgerows within the site.
- Potential for children’s play within the new areas of open space across the site.